Understanding Health Reform

Flex has created resources on various ACA topics to help you better understand different components of the law.


ACA provisions are being implemented and changing all around us. Health insurance, human resource and business professionals, as well as consumers, are looking for answers and insight. In fact, many are asking:

  • What is healthcare reform?
  • How will health care reform impact my employee benefits plan?
  • How much premium subsidy will I receive?
  • How do I get health insurance?

We want to share our ACA expertise using this simple rule: As we are informed on the changes to health reform, we will strive to keep you in the know and do so in a way that’s easy to understand.

From time to time, we also provide opportunities to attend educational webinars, publish key health reform facts and even provide editorial commentary on various health reform and Affordable Care Act topics on our blog, which is called Benefits Buzz.

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