Benefits Buzz
HSA Advocates from the Start
Posted on January 30th, 2015

Flexible Benefit Service LLC (Flex) promotes tax-advantaged benefits with pride. As the industry shifts more responsibilities to the individual, a constant driver of ours has been to focus on cost-effective health care solutions. In fact, this is not a new thing for us. Flex pioneered this approach with the initial launch of Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs) in 1997 and continued with Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) in 2004.
The founders of Flex had the foresight to identify that these type of accounts would be beneficial to any size employer and their employees. Moreover, our background as a General Agency with pure health insurance expertise provided the ability to help insurance producers integrate these solutions into their own portfolios.
The concept of federally-regulated saving is now old hat, but is still catching on for many in the marketplace. As employers and individuals are looking for ways to cut costs and manage risks, HSAs have been a widely chosen option.
The tipping point was the influx of steadily increasing health care costs which lead to higher rates of adaptation of High Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs). As those rates increased, it made financial sense for an employer to offer an HSA so that they could provide their employees with a barrier against rising premiums and also gain some of the associated tax benefits. That is why we believe in HSAs – they work for employers, employees and individuals seeking to use their money efficiently.
As an integrated HSA vendor with compatible Blue Cross® and Blue Shield® group plans in Illinois, Montana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas, we are here to make your transition to HSAs even easier. Our low-cost, simple HSA approach will make your clients more loyal, while giving them the full benefit of these cost-effective plans.
Over the years, we have lobbied to get these plans right-sized for the marketplace. Offering them in your portfolio is a must if you plan to thrive in the ever-changing health insurance industry. If you currently have clients or prospects who offer an HSA qualified HDHP, and do not have an HSA associated, then they are leaving money on the table.
Get started today and contact a Flex representative at 888-353-9178 to learn about our HSAs.