Benefits Buzz

Posted July 14th, 2023 in Producers, Individuals

The Biden Administration has proposed regulations that would limit the maximum duration of short-term, limited duration insurance (STLDI) plans. 

Currently, STLDI plans can remain in effect for an initial term of 364 days. The plans can be renewed as long as the total duration does not exceed 36 months. Under the newly proposed regulations, STLDI plans can only have an initial term of up to 3 months, and the plans can only be renewed for a period of up to 1 additional month.

Posted June 22nd, 2023 in Employers, Producers

The use of telehealth (sometimes called telemedicine or virtual care) has expanded dramatically over the past few years. Telehealth generally involves connecting with a physician or medical provider by phone, internet, or a combination thereof for primary care, mental health, second opinions, or other medical reasons. It has become a faster and more convenient way to receive medical care.

Posted June 15th, 2023 in Employers, Producers, Individuals

Last month the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) published Rev. Proc. 2023-23 which includes the 2024 limits for qualified high deductible health plans (HDHPs) and Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Read on for a summary of these limits.

Posted May 24th, 2023 in

The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 included a provision that prohibits group health plans and health insurance carriers from entering into agreements with a health care provider, network or association of providers, third-party administrator (TPA), or other service provider offering access to a network of providers that would directly or indirectly restrict a plan or issuer from:

Posted May 17th, 2023 in

“Mini-COBRA” is a term commonly used for states that have passed a law to require continuation of coverage rights for group insurance plans that are regulated by the state. Most commonly, Mini-COBRA applies to fully insured medical plans and Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs). A handful of states also extend continuation of coverage rights to fully insured dental and/or vision plans, and one state (Minnesota) extends continuation of coverage rights to group term life insurance.

Posted May 10th, 2023 in

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires employers who sponsor a Cafeteria Plan (sometimes called a Section 125 Plan or Premium-only-Plan) to conduct certain non-discrimination tests. Because a Cafeteria Plan provides tax-free benefits, the IRS has rules in place so that tax-free benefits are not provided or elected more favorably to employees who are considered key employees. This is referred to as the Key Employee Concentration Non-Discrimination Test.



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