Employee Benefits

Posted October 4th, 2018 in Employers, Producers

Consumer-Driven Health Plans (CHDPs) have been steadily gaining in popularity for several years now. According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) 2018 Annual Benefits Report, 40% of the employers surveyed now offer a CDHP to their employees. SHRM defines a CDHP as a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) or a Health Savings Account (HSA) paired with any underlying medical plan.

Posted October 2nd, 2018 in Employers, Producers

While we continue to hear about the rapid growth of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), there is one feature about Health Flexible Spending Accounts (Health FSAs) that keeps some employees enrolled in this type of consumer-driven account (CDA). That’ s the uniform coverage requirement of Health FSAs.

Posted September 4th, 2018 in Employers, Producers

How small businesses can use the power of benefits to make employees happy and improve the bottom line.

Posted May 10th, 2018 in Employers
MetLife recently released their 16th Annual U.S. Employee Benefit Trends Study, which sheds some light on changing employee attitudes and the need for a shift toward a more human work experience. The study provides interesting insights into what employees are looking for in a workplace and how their needs don’t always match up to their reality.
The Empowered Employee
Posted December 6th, 2017 in Producers, Employers
The Health Savings Account (HSA) market has grown rapidly in the past decade. More than 21 million people currently have an HSA and there’s still plenty of opportunity for growth. In fact, a recent report projects 30 million HSAs by the end of 2019.
Here are the top employer benefits of an HSA:
    Posted November 22nd, 2017 in Producers, Employers

    The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has updated its Questions and Answers website in regards to the Employer Mandate, and it appears they have started to send initial notices to employers who are subject to a penalty for the 2015 year (generally, this will be employers with 100 or more employees since transition relief was available in 2015 to employers with 50-99 employees).

    Posted November 14th, 2017 in Producers, Employers, Individuals
    Congressional Republicans have shifted their focus from healthcare reform to tax reform. According to an overview which was released in late September, three key objectives of tax reform are to:
    1. Make the tax code simple, fair and easy to understand.
    2. Give American workers a pay raise by allowing them to keep more of their paychecks.
    3. Bring back trillions of dollars that are currently kept offshore to reinvest in the American economy.
    Posted October 17th, 2017 in Producers, Employers
    To offer an FSA, or not to offer an FSA, that is the question. Let’s just cut right to the chase. 
    Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) are a great way for employees to save on taxes for medical and dependent care expenses, but employers also receive financial benefits by offering an FSA. 
    Posted August 22nd, 2017 in Producers, Employers
    Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) are one of the few benefits an employer can provide that often pays for itself (and then some). While there are expenses that will be incurred by the employer when using a third-party administrator for the FSA, there are also payroll tax savings that will offset some or all of those expenses.
    Posted October 21st, 2016 in Producers, Employers

    The only way for an employer to provide certain benefits tax-free to its employees, such as health, dental or vision insurance, is through a Cafeteria Plan, as defined under Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code. The only way for an employer to have a Cafeteria Plan is by preparing a written plan document which meets the requirements of Code Section 125. Failure to have a written document, or failure to operate a Cafeteria Plan in accordance with the terms of Code Section 125, disqualifies the plan as a Cafeteria Plan and results in gross income to the participants. In other words, any participant in the plan will lose the tax favorable status of the benefits that he or should would have otherwise received.

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