flexible spending account

Posted August 31st, 2015 in Producers, Employers
The statutory limit for Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) elections is expected to remain unchanged in 2016. The salary reduction limit was capped at $2,500 in 2013 as a result of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and is subject to inflationary adjustments. In 2015, the limit was increased to $2,550. However, due to a recent government report issued by the U.S.
Posted May 21st, 2013 in Employers, Producers

Last week, Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) and Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY) introduced S 9.66, the Medical FSA Improvement Act, to eliminate the Use-It or Lose-It rule by allowing individuals to cash-out unused Flexible Spending Account (FSA) balances with the amounts treated as taxable income.

View the legislative language >>

What could this mean for Americans?

Posted April 2nd, 2013 in Employers

As tax season comes to a close, you might be wondering how to save more next year. Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) are a great tool that allows you and your employees to save on healthcare and dependent care expenses. Celebrating 25 years as a trusted benefits administrator, we have done the math to help you visualize your potential savings with our FlexFSA® product:

Posted December 18th, 2012 in Employers

Between lengthy meetings at the office, frantic shoppers and frenzied holiday music, it can be hard to stay focused on the fact that the year is coming to a close. In fact, with all the water cooler talk about the world ending it is even anticlimactic.

Posted December 4th, 2012 in Individuals

If you have a flexible spending account (FSA), the year-end FSA frenzy is here. FSA participants that may have contributed too much money may be in panic mode, but it does not have to be that way for you. Let’s take a look at some ways to use your FSA money.

Visit your:

  • Doctor to make sure to get all immunizations done.
  • Dentist/Orthodontist to get a check up on those pearly whites.
  • Optometrist to get an eye exam! Buy a new pair of eyeglasses, prescription sunglasses, contact lenses, or even stock up on contact lens solution.
  • Dermatologist to get prescriptions, such as acne treatments.
Posted November 27th, 2012 in Producers

Opportunity's always knocking. Just open the door.

If everyone knows that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, then why isn’t cross-selling a universal practice? Cross-selling is a great tool for client retention, as well as prospecting. Your clients and prospects may not be aware of the full portfolio of your offerings.

So, don’t think twice about reviewing all options during the renewal/enrollment process. This is your opportunity to suggest how they can enhance their benefits program. And yes, even if they feel satisfied with what they offer currently.

Posted November 6th, 2012 in Individuals, Employers, Producers

In their own words, politicians on either side of the fence agree that the middle-class is hurting.

“Middle-income families are being crushed.” – Mitt Romney

“The Middle Class has been buried.” – Joe Biden

A hot topic during the 2012 presidential election has been health care reform and the Affordable Care Act (ACA). American workers are paying more out of their pocket for health care expenses than ever before. No matter which party line you side on – everyone seems to agree that the financial burden carried by the middle class is disproportionate in one way or another.

Posted October 9th, 2012 in Individuals

Don’t let unspent FSA dollars haunt you

It can be scary to think about how much health care costs you and your family. If you have a flexible spending account (FSA), there’s no need to fear. Flexible Benefit Service LLC (Flex) has conjured up six not so spooky ways to use your FSA before the end of your plan year.

  1. Prescriptions – Don’t be afraid to ask. Your doctor can write a prescription for everyday over-the-counter items.
Posted September 18th, 2012 in Employers, Producers

You are a business owner, human resource or benefits professional, or even an insurance broker. You are trying to help run a business or assist another businesses needs. You do not have time to learn all the ins-and-outs of every employee benefits offering or business process that comes across your desk.

You do, however, want to make available an employee benefits package that engages and retains employees, while promoting wellness. And, you keep reading in the news about account-based health plans, namely flexible spending accounts (FSAs), becoming a staple in offerings across the nation – and rightfully so.

Benefits Buzz


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